Katrina Gravenor

Katrina Gravenor

I had heard about the amazing work of the Pegasus Playscheme from friends and family…..by complete chance a friend told me that Pegasus were looking for a bookkeeper. I am delighted Sue invited me on board. With a background in bookkeeping and accounts I look forward to using my skills and knowledge to help the Pegasus Team in anyway I can. The work they do is incredible and brings so much joy to so many lives. ​

Pegasus Playscheme

KM Mercury 2016
Charity Mark 2016

About us

Pegasus Playscheme provides Good Quality support and services for children with a variety of severe and complex disabilities. We operate a 3 week Summer Playscheme, offering activities for children with disabilities and severe learning difficulties. Each child is supported by a local able-bodied teenager.

Registered Charity no. 299301